Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Slingbox - 'Placeshifting' your TV experience

Slingbox is a $249 set-top box that takes your TV signal and redistributes it over your home internet. The idea being that you can watch your TV/Sky+/Tivo/DVD player in a different place on any internet-connected laptop/PC. So you could sit in the garden watching Coronation Street, or sit in a hotel in Austria watching Animal Hospital. Whatever you like. And there are no subscription fees - you just pay for the box. Even Walt Mossberg likes it.

The link above is for an interview with Blake Krikorian, the CEO of Sling Media. Here are some very important extracts:

What about a Mac version?
We don’t have any announcement yet. We intend to release it in the next few months. Sometimes working with Apple involves getting our Slingstream technology to fully work on a Mac, which means we might need some cooperation from the company that holds the keys to that. That company is not necessarily the easiest to partner with. But it’s great to see the demand from the consumers, because that gives us a lot more ammunition when we approach them. So I actually love the Mac guys complaining and pounding on it, so I urge them to keep it up.

Will you be bringing the Slingbox out in the UK market soon?
Yes. We’ll probably have it by the end of the year. We’re soliciting feedback from consumers to determine how we want to roll out in that market.
We made our first delivery to a UK customer last week. We had a guy in a forum who was dying for it, and he got some NTSC-to-PAL converter and figured it out. Our VP of operations was flying through Heathrow, so I had him bring a unit and he met the dude in Heathrow and the guy’s going crazy on it. We’ll have a PAL version in the third quarter. We might just sell it online at first.

Can't wait!