Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The lost 1984 Mac launch video

Now you can see for yourself one of Steve Job's earliest keynotes. On January 24th 1984 at the Flint Centre in Cupertino, California, Steve Jobs unveiled the "Apple Macintosh". This amazing computer had 128Kb of RAM, no hard drive and a 9 inch monochrome display. It was the first mainstream computer to have a mouse, windows, icons and a clipboard facility to 'cut' 'copy' and 'paste'. It retailed for $2495. Bear in mind it's main competitor at the time was the IBM PC-AT which cost $4000 and didn't have a mouse or any graphical interface - you had to type your commands on a text screen.
Listen for the audience "whoops" when the Mac displays a 3D chess board in glorious 2-bit monochrome!
Good to see that Jobs has since swapped the dinner jacket and bow-tie for a turtle-neck and jeans.
I've converted the (rather large) original video into 3GP format which you can watch now using QuickTime or transfer to a compatible mobile phone.
The lost 1984 video - Marvbloke's 3GP version (2.58Mb)
The lost 1984 video - the original version by Scott Knaster