Friday, June 20, 2003 Stock Information - a great gift for Mac Addicts like me - one genuine share of the company!

Monday, June 16, 2003

Make your own portable Playstation! - This bloke is a genius!This site has some really dodgy electronic stuff - like portable Video CD players, MP3 players for Gameboy

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

I have discovered the future of peer-to-peer networks. Whereas Kazaa, Gnutella etc are great for downloading music, when it comes to downloading TV programmes or films, it's useless. BitTorrent is specifically designed for larger files! Brilliant.

Monday, June 02, 2003 is still online, but is now hosted by BT. My electricity bill was huge when I ran a 24-hour-a-day web server. Strange that.
Johnny has had the inspired idea of a Cash Machine Van - turning up where it is needed most on those nights out - near pubs or out-of-service cash machines. These people may be a good supplier to use...